Tag Archives: conflict
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Two Big Secrets to Stopping Unproductive Conflict Before it Starts

Our relationship with conflict is really messed up. We create unproductive conflict all the time – either actively or passively – that could be stopped before it even starts. It’s time to fix our perspectives about conflict. Conflict is a needed element in driving for and achieving the best possible outcomes between and among people. […]

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Anti-Venom for Toxic Politics: 3 Key Ingredients

Toxic office politics waste an unbelievable amount of time that could be used FAR more productively. And, I find WAY too many people just simply accept the toxic situation as being “just the way it is around here.” Okay — here’s a different viewpoint. Stop that! Quit accepting unhealthy, toxic situations as “normal” — they […]

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6 Signs It’s Time for Transformational Change

Is it time for transformational change — or is incremental change more appropriate? Too often leaders mistake one for the other, and wind up doing too little too late, or squashing the proverbial fly with a sledgehammer. Neither situation turns out well, unfortunately. by Robert S. Tipton http://atom.smasher.org/highway/ Yes, as the old saying goes, “change […]

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