Tag Archives: employee engagement

Anti-Venom for Toxic Politics: 3 Key Ingredients

Toxic office politics waste an unbelievable amount of time that could be used FAR more productively. And, I find WAY too many people just simply accept the toxic situation as being “just the way it is around here.” Okay — here’s a different viewpoint. Stop that! Quit accepting unhealthy, toxic situations as “normal” — they […]

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6 Signs It’s Time for Transformational Change

Is it time for transformational change — or is incremental change more appropriate? Too often leaders mistake one for the other, and wind up doing too little too late, or squashing the proverbial fly with a sledgehammer. Neither situation turns out well, unfortunately. by Robert S. Tipton http://atom.smasher.org/highway/ Yes, as the old saying goes, “change […]

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3 Transformational Strategies to Improve Employee Engagement

“Low employee engagement is a competitive disadvantage.” Bold assertion or obvious statement? To me it’s as obvious as the proverbial noses on our faces — a disengaged workforce means more absenteeism, higher voluntary turnover, and overall lousy productivity. But, what are we doing about it? Usually the wrong things, I fear. by Robert S. Tipton […]

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Enthusiasm IS a Competitive Advantage

by Robert S. Tipton Which is better? Employees that do “whatever it takes” related to customer service, quality, efficiency, etc., or employees that ensure they simply comply with the metrics in their performance plans? Be careful how you answer that question. It’s easy to say, “Oh — it’s obviously the former…” However, in my experience […]

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